How to use the Esoteric Sun Book for Pendulum Alchemy & Healing

Use the Power of the Sun to Improve Your Pendulum Alchemy & Healing Work

I was asked to demonstrate how my book the Esoteric Sun can be utilized to support Pendulum Alchemy & Healing.

In this presentation I will show you how to easily boost the power and effectiveness of your pendulum practice using the information found in this book.

Topics covered:

1) I will review basic concepts.
2) I will show you how to address your topics of interest using both the pendulum and the information from the book.


Get better results with your pendulum work.

Save time by having me show you how to incorporate the solar information while also outlining the best approaches to use with your pendulum.

Use solar correspondences and your pendulum to improve your life and the lives of those you love.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to Use the Estoeric Sun with Your Pendulum Video

    • How to Use the Estoeric Sun Book with Your Pendulum

  • 2

    Handout for the Mini Course

    • Handout: How to use the Esoteric Sun- Download tab is arrow in box on upper right corner


  • Will this improve my Pendulum Alchemy?

    Yes. I will show you how to use forces from nature to boost your Pendulum Alchemy work.

  • Do I need to have the book?

    The mini course is complete and has a detailed handout with instructions. The book is not required. You may enjoy having a copy, but not required.

  • Can I study it when I want?

    Yes. You can start right now, or when you are ready, and then review it at your leisure.

I want boost my Pendulum Alchemy with Solar Power!!!