Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation with your Pendulum

Experience the Extraordinary

Do you want to massively increase the success of your ghost hunting and paranormal investigations?

Would you like to safely experience ghosts & other unusual phenomena?

Do you need to accurately determine the exact location and type of paranormal activity in an area for increased peace of mind and safety?

Do you feel that a haunted location requires healing help?

Do you wish to safely communicate with spirits and do healing if needed?

If you answered yes to any of these this course is for you.

Paranormal investigators Robin Schade & Erich Hunter Ph.D. will teach you revolutionary techniques to use your pendulum to safely experience ghost hauntings and a wide range of paranormal events. 

The course is designed to provide massive value for people at all levels of skill & experience. If you are an expert who has been doing this for decades, a complete beginner who is just curious, or someone seeking answers about all the weird stuff going on in a location this course will be invaluable. There is a lot for everyone.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation with your Pendulum

    • Introduction to Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation

    • The Ethics of Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation

    • The Different Types of Ghosts & Paranormal Phenomena

    • The Pendulum Method for Ghost Hunting & Paranormal Investigation

    • Locating Ghosts & Paranormal Activity Using Your Pendulum

    • Determining the Safe & Dangerous Ghost & Paranormal Activity Using Your Pendulum

    • Communication with Ghost & Paranormal Phenomena Using the Pendulum

    • Healing Ghosts & Paranormal Phenomena with Your Pendulum

    • Using Your Pendulum to Support Traditional Methods of Ghost & Paranormal Investigation

    • Real Life Stories about Ghosts & Paranormal Phenomena

A New Way to Experience the Paranormal

Massively increase the success of your ghost hunting and paranormal investigations by using a pendulum.

Improve the performance of your traditional investigation methods.

Safely experience ghosts & other paranormal phenomena without fear of attachments.

Determine if healing is required for places with ghosts & paranormal phenomena and be able to safely do the healing. This can be done on location or remotely.

Communicate with ghosts & paranormal phenomena in real-time without expensive equipment.

Easily get detailed information about the ghosts and paranormal activities in a given area so you understand what is going on replacing fear with knowledge.

Accurately determine the exact location, type of paranormal activity for a given location for increased peace of mind and safety.

Be able to send healing to any situation that would benefit.


  • When does the course start?

    The course is open now for study.

  • I have never done this before. Can I still take the course?

    Yes. No experience looking for ghosts or other paranormal activity is required. Everything is explained clearly and easy to follow.

  • I have a lot of experience. Will this course be of value?

    Yes absolutely. The more you know the better. We are presenting a lot of new information here and we will teach you things you never thought of doing before. You will also learn how to use your pendulum to make what you are currently doing more effective.

  • Is this pendulum dowsing? I already do that.

    This course goes way beyond pendulum dowsing. We also include ways to use your pendulum as a tool to positively shift reality and make change more likely to occur. Be ready to learn some really powerful and new ways to use your pendulum that go beyond simply asking yes or no.

  • Is it safe to look for ghosts?

    With the methods we teach you it can be very safe and even fun. We teach you how to avoid troublesome situations and also how to protect yourself using the pendulum.

  • Something weird is going on at my house. Can this course help me?

    Yes it can. You will learn how to identify what is causing the issue and how to determine if it requires healing. If the situation requires healing you will learn how to do that too.


Greatly increase your chances of discovering ghosts and other paranormal phenomenon saving you time and making your searches more rewarding and fun.

Save money by being able to experience ghosts and the paranormal without paying tour guides, or purchasing expensive equipment.

Improve the quality of your life by knowing what is going on in strange places and by being able to safely experience ghosts & the paranormal.

Learn how to detect and safely heal hauntings and unwanted paranormal activity.


5 star rating

Very helpful course !

Esperanza Flaquer Lynch

Thank you for this very informative course, so well put together and beautifully presented. and most of all it was very helpful for me! I was very very conce...

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Thank you for this very informative course, so well put together and beautifully presented. and most of all it was very helpful for me! I was very very concern with something I have been dealing with and so far after doing this course is working!

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5 star rating

Great course!

jolene schnider

Highly recommend this course! Learned a lot!!

Highly recommend this course! Learned a lot!!

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Are you ready to safely experience ghosts & the paranormal?

Robin & Erich are amazing teachers. I love their courses! - Sherrie D.