Discover the Realm of the Nature Spirits

Commune with Nature for Healing, Wellness, & Abundance

In ancient times people lived in harmony with the land and the nature spirits that inhabited it.  Although for many the connection has been lost and the nature spirits pushed into the shadows; they are still present and respond favorably to our positive attentions.

In this course you will learn how to use your pendulum to enhance the health and wellness of your local nature spirits, while developing relationships with them in ways that are for the highest good of all.

That course is essential if you own land, like to do gardening, keep horses, or spend time in nature. The knowledge can also help you find a place to live and resolve issues of geopathic stress that occur in the home.

Natural Alchemy

In the first part of the program you will be provided with the introductory knowledge and the energy charts needed to begin your alchemical pendulum work with the nature spirits. 

Then in the second part of the program you will learn specific approaches to most effectively communicate with the various types of nature spirits.

Finally you will learn how to bring all this information together to do pendulum alchemy and healing on the nature spirits you want to help and influence.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Nature Spirits with Pendulums 2.0

    • Welcome to Nature Spirits with Pendulums

    • Nature Spirits

    • Pendulum Commands for Nature Spirits

    • Finding Your Place to Commune with the Nature Spirits

    • Nature Spirits Color Healing

    • Nature Spirit Garden

    • Create a Nature Spirit Team

    • Nature Spirit Team Example

    • Create a Nature Spirit Essence

    • Finding & Communicating with Your Spirit Animal

    • Nature Spirit Stories

    • Nature Spirits Success Stories

A Lifelong Passion

All my life I have had relations with the nature spirits. When I was child I used to encounter them in my yard and the surrounding forest where I explored, They were an ever present source of wonder to me.

As I grew older I learned how to communicate with them.

They have literally helped me and my family get housing in different locales. Animal spirits constantly send me messages and omens. The fae folk have welcomed me in some places. While other types of nature spirits have given me warnings, or alternatively helped horses and other animal companions feel at home.

While most common in the farms and fields they can literally be found anywhere where nature thrives even in cities.

Having a relation to the nature spirits can really enhance your life, heal the land and help you to commune with nature. You can also help them too by establishing a relationship, improving their environment and sending them healing.

While this may seem fanciful, you will be surprised at the hidden world you can discover. Nature spirits can have a profound influence on your life.

This is a serious program that is grounded in reality. You can effectively learn how to best communicate with nature spirits and understand what they can do.

This course is based on personal experience and it can help you get practical results in your life.

Thank you for your interest and I witness you having massive success in your study of the nature spirits program.


  • Is this the same as the previous nature spirits program I took a few years ago?

    Thank you. This course has been completely updated and revised and it is a new course.

  • Does the course come with a detailed handout and charts?

    Yes. You get detailed instructions and handouts.

  • Is any experience required?

    The course is designed to satisfy both beginning and advanced Pendulum Alchemists. I recommend you take my free courses "Get Started with Pendulum Alchemy" & "How to Get Better Results with Pendulum Dowsing" if you are totally new to pendulums.

  • When does the course open for study?

    The course is open now.

  • Can I study it at my own pace?

    Yes. You can study the course whenever you want and also as many times as you want.

  • Does this course count towards the Pendulum Alchemy Certificate?

    Yes. This course counts towards Level 2: Advanced Pendulum Skills Certificate of Completion.

Benefits of the Course

Improve the quality of life for you, your animal companions and your gardens.

Experience healing of your land and home.

Enjoy abundance and harmony with the land.

Are You Ready to Experience Nature Spirits with Pendulums? Enroll now.

"Erich's courses are awesome!" Maria T.