Be at Your Ideal Weight to Feel Healthy & Happy

For many reasons you may not currently be at your ideal weight. In this course we will go over how you can use your pendulum to support you being at your ideal weight so that you can feel happy and healthy.

Weight gain is a complex issue and in this course we go over a step by step process to support you with multiple approaches using your pendulum to help you attain and maintain your ideal weight.

If you are looking for an alternative way to support your weight goals for health and well being this course is for you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pendulum Healing for Weight Loss 2.0

    • Introduction to Pendulum Healing for Weight Loss 2.0

    • What You Need

    • Definition of Weight Loss and the Scope of the Program

    • Step #1 Identifying the Cause of Excess Weight Gain & Identifying Your Ideal Weight.

    • Method #1 The Pendulum Command Based Approach to Attaining Your Ideal Weight

    • Method #2 Resonance Based Approach to Attaining Your Ideal Weight

    • Method #3 Energy Based Approach to Attaining Your Ideal Weight

    • Method #4 Effective Dowsing Based Approach to Attaining Your Ideal Weight

    • Pendulum Healing for Weight Loss 2.0 Review

    • Next Steps & Your Success Stories!!!!


  • When does the course open for study?

    The course is open now. Login and study it.

  • I took Pendulum Healing for Weight loss before. Is this the same course?

    Thank you. This course has been completely revised and updated so it is essentially a new course. Even if you took the previous course, you will learn a lot of new information, approaches, etc. and benefit from this new version.

  • Does it come with detailed instructions and handouts?

    Yes. The course comes with detailed instructions and handouts. You are guided in the process and you can ask questions to get support in the course.

  • Is previous experience required?

    This course is designed for people of all skill levels. Both beginners and experts will benefit from the information provided. If you want to be prepared take my free courses on "Get Started with Pendulum Healing" and "How to get Better Results with Dowsing". Also you can go in more depth if you have taken Effective Dowsing, Resonance Healing, or Color Healing, but those are optional.

Benefits of Pendulum Healing for Weight Loss

Feel healthier.

Have more energy and vitality.

Be empowered.

Feel supported in your weight loss goals.

"I lost twenty pounds following  the protocols in Erich's Pendulum Healing for weight loss program in conjunction with working with my nutritionist. I feel great and believe that the pendulum made a big difference in helping me achieve and maintain my weight loss goals." Rhonda S.

Are you ready to use your pendulum to assist you with being at your ideal weight?

"Erich's courses are amazing. I love his matter of fact down to earth teaching style. Thank you"- Christina B.